Rubber processing additives

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Adding additives to rubber is an important part of the rubber processing process.

Adding additives to rubber is an important part of the rubber processing process. This is because it helps to improve the performance of the rubber. These additives can be used in various ways, from modifying oils and silica to increasing the flowability of the rubber.

In the early 20th century, the rubber industry was the first to use precipitated silica as a rubber processing aid. Using such additives in the tire industry can enhance the performance of tire treads. These additives can also be used in other applications.

Precipitated silica is usually prepared in various ways. Commonly, this method involves the acidification of sodium silicate solution. The sodium silicate solution reacts with other silicates and acetates to produce a precipitate. The precipitate is then filtered and dried.

Precipitated silica has been used as a filler in elastomers. These additives can improve the wear resistance, tear strength, heat resistance, and durability of the rubber compound. Additionally, adding precipitated silica can enhance the modulus and durability of rubber compositions.
These oils have been used in modified thermosetting polymers. They can also be used as additives in rubber compositions. Soybean oil has been used as an alternative processing oil for rubber and has shown improvements in tensile strength, tear strength, and thermal stability. It also provides better scorch safety and curing time.

There are various types of rubber processing aids available in the market. The choice of additives depends on the type of rubber, the production process, and the product. Some of these are used in different forms. Among them, zinc stearate is considered a popular type. It is usually formed by the reaction of fatty acids with zinc oxide.